Retexture for BB Gun Improved Parts from WMX. These Unique Weapons have better stats than those of the regular versions of these weapons, if there is one, that you would find in the game. However, it has the notable quality of being silent. BB gunBolt/lever/pump-action guns So I haven't played New Vegas in a long time and I decided to reinstall the game today. I made the Snow Globes from Fallout: New Vegas and placed them in their respective. repair Location: Mojave Wasteland, Fields Shack / Jimmy’s Well with Wild Wasteland. You can build it from the workbench, … Like in 1/2, I made the weapon a great upgrade to the standard BB gun and a weapon that can hold its own against more conventional firearms. The easiest way to get there is to fast travel to the H&H Tool Factory, then head due west and you'll see a shack.